Classes and Events
Health and Fitness Clubs, Personal Trainers, Sports Clubs, Supporters, Bands and Entertainers, Dog Walkers, Venues....

Do any of the following issues sound familiar?
Having to enter and maintain contact details in mulitple systems e.g. Memberships, SMS reminders, Class Bookings, Events etc., and in various formats e.g. paper, spreadsheets, card index, invoicing system, booking systems.
3rd Party systems such as booking, SMS alerts and website are costly to run
The Booking process is problematic and depends on someone responding to calls and email enquiries.
Paper based systems takes time and is prone to error, are not shareable online, and are not backed-up
Forecasting and Long Term Planning isn't easy
Too many bookings OR not enough bookings
Multiple conversations are required in order to plan cover when someone is off sick or leaves
Business is restricted by only being open during the daytime.
Here are some ways that we can help;
Reduce costs and data duplication with one single system for Memberships, SMS reminders, Class Bookings, Events etc., and in various formats e.g. paper, spreadsheets, card index, invoicing system, booking systems.
Simplify the Booking process and allow clients to also manage their own booking.
Remove paper based systems and make the information shareable and backed-up
Fast access to information to assist with Forecasting and Long Term Planning
Improve your Sales and Management functions and access them from your mobile, including Social Media, e-newsletters, Blog Posts, Facebook ads.
Manage your rota with updates sent direct to each employees mobile, and improve employee communication
Make your business available 24/7 just like your competitors
Where to Start
​If you are looking for to improve this area of your business, simply book a free Discovery Call so that we can work out together whether our solution could be right for you. ​
During your Discovery Call, we will talk about:
Any problems and bottlenecks that you are experiencing
What systems you are currently using
What you would like to achieve
How we can help you get you off to the right start
We can then arrange a bespoke demonstration to show how this would work in practice.
There’ll be no obligation or commitment to use our products or services.​​