Food and Catering
Cafes and Restaurants, Event Venues, Hotels, Food Retail, Caterers, Food Trucks and Pop-ups.....

Do any of the following issues sound familiar?
Business success is dependant upon the availability of someone to respond to telephone calls
Information is duplicated across mulitple systems e.g. Client details are stored for SMS reminders, Table Bookings, Events, Catering, Room Booking etc.
In order to be available to all customers and prospects, Menus, Services and Price lists need to be in multiple formats for Website, Print and Socials
Business information is stored in lots of places and in various formats e.g. paper, spreadsheets, card index, invoicing system, booking system etc.
Maintining paper based systems takes time and is prone to error
Paper based or standalone systems mean that key information is not easily accessable, and is not backed-up
Long Term Planning is not easy - Busy periods, Quiet periods, Staff Availability, Bank Holidays
Multiple conversations are required in order to plann cover when someone is off sick or leaves
3rd Party systems such as booking, SMS alerts and website are costly to run
Here are some ways that we can help;
Enable your business to be open 24/7 just like your competitors'
Manage a single version of Menu's, Catalogues and Price Lists then publish or print as required
Store your business information in one secure system and allow access to those who require it from their phone or computer when they need it, and reduce costs, duplicated data and errors.
Reap the benefits with of being able to work smarter.
Multiple conversations required when planning cover when someone becomes ill or leaves
3rd Party systems such as booking, SMS alerts and website are costly to run
Where to Start
​If you are looking for to improve this area of your business, simply book a free Discovery Call so that we can work out together whether our solution could be right for you. ​
During your Discovery Call, we will talk about:
Any problems and bottlenecks that you are experiencing
What systems you are currently using
What you would like to achieve
How we can help you get you off to the right start
We can then arrange a bespoke demonstration to show how this would work in practice.
There’ll be no obligation or commitment to use our products or services.​​