Field Service Management
Introducing ServiceM8. The powerful solution for service based businesses that brings the ability to control and monitor all activities carried out by your company, including the people who do the work and the processes that they follow.

Take Control with ServiceM8
ServiceM8 is a powerful software platform which allows service-based businesses to streamline their operations, with improved real-time communications between stakeholders at all levels, including office staff, field operatives, and customers.
Advise your team of the tasks that are to be actioned on each job. These will be displayed in the form of a Check List that can be marked off as each task is complete. Tasks can be as detailed or summarised.
Operatives can dictate or type Notes and take Photo's as the go along.
Capture customer satisfaction with signed job sheets.
Provide your employees with all of the information that they require in order to do their job, including drawings, How-To Videos.

Do These Issues Sound Familiar?
Improve Employee Morale and Retention
Improve Productivity
Provide Better Customer Service

For Companies who Care about Employees
Work Smarter with ServiceM8
Plan Jobs more efficiently by being able to see who is working where and on what jobs.
Schedule Repeat Jobs and allocate them to the people who are nearest and best suited or qualified to carry them out.
No more interruptions from customers asking when their job is scheduled for, with booking confirmation and expected time of arrival being sent to them by text or email.
Operatives can see their work schedule on their phone, and be alerted of any cancellations or new jobs as they are allocated to them.
Put jobs on hold in circumstances where perhaps Parts haven't been delivered, or customer has had to postpone.

Benefits and Solutions
Generate More Business
Monitor, Manage and Control
Manage Your Reputation
Retain Customers and Staff
Reduce Costs
Better Planning
Improving processes and communications will typically generate 30% more business in the first three months.
Identify and address Issues before they become Problems.
If you have already earned respect and a good reputation, then you know the importance of keeping it. If you’re just starting out, then you need to build and maintain it.
Enable your team to perform to the best of their ability and deliver excellence that satisfies your customers.
Pay staff to do the work that they were employed to do rather than fill in paperwork, and reduce the number of calls between staff members and customers.
ServiceM8 provides a dashboard for day-to-day and future planning including commitments and staff availability.
Free Discovery Call
Free Bespoke Demonstrations
Free 14 Day Trial
Bespoke Document Design
Manager and Operative Training
Software Pricing
Starter - £25 per month
Unlimited Users
50 Jobs per month
Send 100+ SMS per month
Recurring Jobs
Partial/Progress Invoices
Supplier Invoice Importing
Purchased Forms
Growing - £59 per month
Unlimited Users
150 Jobs per month
300+ SMS per month
Everything in Starter PLUS
Asset Management
Bespoke Forms & Certificates
ServiceM8 Inbox
Premium - £119 per month
Unlimited Users
500 Jobs per month
1000+ SMS per month
Everything in Growing PLUS
Job Costing
Markup Billing
Branded SMS
Training and Installation
At makeITwork we understand that every company works differently, and this means that there isn't a true Out Of The Box Solution.
Therefore our Setup and Training services will be designed to suit the specific requirements of your business and staff.
Typically, STARTER Setup and Training by makeITwork will cost £500, although you may decide to undertake some or all elements yourself. Additional Features
Implementation will usually be carried out as a series of phases to ensure that staff have time to embrace the new system and methods, and in order to iron out any issues as they arise.

For Companies who Care about Service
Where to Start
​If you are looking for to improve your business processes then simply book a free Discovery Call so that we can work out together whether our solution could be right for you. ​
During your Discovery Call, we will talk about:
Any problems and bottlenecks that you are experiencing
What systems you are currently using
What you would like to achieve
How we can help you get you off to the right start
We can then arrange a bespoke demonstration to show how this would work in practice, with no obligation or commitment to use our products or services.​​